Modernist Legacies and Constructions of Whiteness: Symposium

With the participation of Johannes Anyuru, Ylva Habel, Hamid Khan, Rudy Loewe and Ailin Moaf Mirlashari.

As follow-up of Tensta Konsthall’s symposium Fuel to the Fire by Natasha Sadr Haghighian on 12 January 2017, the MLCW (Modernist Legacies and Constructions of Whiteness) course participants propose a symposium where poetry, media and critical theory, black feminism, tokenism, surveillance and control resistance, activism and contemporary art will be performed, discussed and challenged, by applying the methods developed since September 2016 by MLCW.

Organised by the MLCW course participants with the support of Kungl. Konsthögskolan

Kungl. Konsthögskolan / Royal Institute of Art. Stockholm (Sweden)

January 2017

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Visit the symposium page on Kungl. Konsthögskolan’s site

Visit the course page on Kungl. Konsthögskolan’s site


Role in the project

  • Co-organiser